Tuesday, December 31, 2024



Einkaþjálfaði og hópþjálfaði í World Class
Markþjálfaði á skrifstofunni minni á Sundaborg 7
Kenndi Zumba og Jallabina í World Class en hætti í maí.
Kenndi í Mími Sjálfseflingu og samskipti og Heilsueflingu.
Hélt fyrirlestra "Hver er ég", "kulnun og streita í starfi", "Return to Happiness" og pepp fyrirlestur
Bjó til sumaráskorun og check-in og byrjaði sjálfsræktaráskrift í septemberl

Gæsanir, brúðarvals og dans og Dj í brúðkaupum 
Gongaði á Ég 2024 viðburði Ástu mentor markþjálfa
Lék í auglýsingu Fullþingis
50´s danspartý á Gauknum með Happy Studio
Murder Mystery með event fyrirtæki og Kríunesi
Barnamenningarhátíð Garðabæjar með Happy Studio
Veislustjórn Happy Studio á Hótel Kviku og Hörpu
Söng með Siggu Beinteins þegar ég veislustýrði afmælisveislu Hörpu Magnús.
Fundarstjóri og DJ á Mannauðsdeginum í Hörpu
Halloween Murder Mystery á HótelKríunesi
Singalong pubquiz á Hótel Kríunesi



París með Halldóri
Krít með fjölskyldunni

Chrohns flare-up og leikskólapestirnar dundu á.
Aron fékk slæmt flogakast í kringum Pride en það var vegna veikinda.
Fór í aðgerð í september sem lagaði hræðilega gyllinæð sem hefur verið að koma síðan ég átti Aron. Fékk svo hræðilega upp og niður pest í þokkabót svo var hræðilega veik. Þakklát að allt fór vel að lokum.

Kvaddi Guðna forseta og Elízu á Bessastöðum og þakkaði Höllu Tómas persónulega á FKA fundi, en ég vann ritgerðarkeppni sem unglingur þar sem ég átti að skrifa um framtíðar fyrirtækið mitt. Ótrúlegt að eiga svo fyrirtæki í dag og hugsa til þess. Sönnun um að frumkvöðlar eins og Halla með Auður í Krafti kvenna og FrumkvöðlaAuður skipta máli. 

Halldór útskrifaðist sem master í iðnaðarlíftækni. Svo stolt af honum.
Módís byrjaði í unglingadeild í Norðlingaskóla.
Aron færðist yfir á Grænudeild í Blásölum.
Svo stolt af fjölskyldunni.

Þakklát að allir eru heilbrigðir og líður vel.

Monday, January 01, 2024




-I formed my own company Anna C ehf
-I got my own office in Reykjavík
-Got my ACC accreditation as a Coach (Internationally Certified)
-Graduated from Akademias as a Certified Online Marketing Specialist
-Raised money for Líf, Chrohns association and Hugarafl 
-Grandma died, grateful to have seen her and that she saw Aron before she passed away
-Aron got seizures and ended up in the hospital. 3 ambulance rides this year.

-Public Speaking gigs about stress to coaching to AI tools for VR, Dokkan, ICF and SVÞ 
-DJ, MC at weddings, bingo and most fun singalong and dance entertainment with Happy Studio
-Murder Mystery gigs at Hótel Kríunes and for event companies
-Taught wedding dance and of course our regular zumba and jallabina classes at World Class
-Personal training and group training. Love it!

-Greece to see my Cashmere mafia friends (Webster Alumni)
-Hella with Frikki for a Happy Studio gig
-Hveragerði for a gig and romantic getaway with my love
-Hotel Ranga, romantic getaway with my love
-Cabin getaway with friends



Halldor is doing brilliantly in his master studies and Modis as well in school, and always creating something. Very artistic. Loves playing Roblox with friends. So grateful for them

Monday, December 26, 2022


2022 was the year I became a mom 
Kudos to all the moms out there and parents in general. No joke dealing with postpartum and thanks to lack of sleep my nervous system is a mess and my anxiety has started acting up again. I was diagnosed with Chrohns after a lot of pain that I first thought was just postpartum. Turns out it wasn´t. Now I get medicine, a shot every two weeks. November was hell, between my pain and Aron picked up every flu and was so sick he had to go to the hospital. It was so hard. So after my and Aron´s sickness I just focus every day on gratitude. Every day that is not in pain is a good day. 

- We named our baby boy Aron Benedikt Claessen Halldórsson in a ceremony at Hótel Kríunes where Páll Óskar and Monika sang and played and Palli gave him his name. I sang and mom gave a speech.
-Maternity leave, where i took care of Aron and slept between. Grateful for my love and his support.
-published an online Burnout and Relationship seminars on http://happystudio.teachable.com
-became the first Zumbini teacher in Iceland, and had a pop up class at Dans og Jóga
-got diagnosed with Chrohns disease and got medicine for it.
-started work again as a personal trainer, dance teacher and entertainer. 

-Danced for Haffi Haff in Eurovision Semi Final for the song "Gía" (English Volcano)
- Murder Mystery at Kríunes
-Danced at a book release party
-Haffi haff gig at a kindergarten and a birthday party
- Happy Studio gig at MEKÓ Barnamenningarhátíð
-Happy Studio gig at MEKÓ Moroccan day
-Happy Studio gig at fjölmenningarhátíð Harpa
-MC at a wedding
-DJ gig at Mannauðsdagurinn
-Salsa gig at a birthday party
-Country gig in the countryside
-Gig at Víkurskóli and a birthday party
-Taught a bachelor Michael Jackson moves
-Christmas Bingo host during the holidays
-"I Wanna Dance" by Svala and Haffi Haff music video
and more....

See youtube

-Almeria with the family
-Vienna to see my best friend Alexandra, Marco and their baby who live in Mexico
-Cyprus to see the Claessen family, with a layover in Poland
-Paris for a romantic getaway, a year after our engagement


Taking care of a baby, especially newborn is a full time job!!!!!
Make sure you take care of yourself and your relationship.
Grateful for family and friends for their support. 
Enjoying my time with my family

Friday, April 22, 2022



Had a baby boy on my birthday, got engaged to my love Halldór on top of the eiffel tower in Paris, France and we moved into our dream home in Norðlingaholtið.

Worked as a personal trainer and zumba instructor at World Class, finished Hot Yoga and Body Reroll Teacher training, codependency- and happiness coaching. 

Gigs at Kramhúsið and with Friðrik as well as murder mystery nights at Hótel Kríunes 

Got Covid while pregnant. 

Interview in Vikan, Rás 2, etc.

Travel: Paris-France, Grímsborgir, Hvanneyri, Akureyri, Húsavík, Egilsstaðir, Vík, Jökulsárlón. 


Helicopter ride to the volcano

ATV ride in Vik with the family

What a year! 🎉So grateful 🥰

Wednesday, December 30, 2020



The year started out great, I played gong at an seminar, was an assistant at a show Búkalú and acted in Hatari´s new music video. Did a gig for Alþingi and for 100 kids in the countryside. Did gigs at Kramhúsið and taught a group Latin/Ballroom dances weekly alongside my normal zumba and jallabina classes at World Class. 

We in Dans og Kúltúr organized an epic Roaring 20´s party. Went on the radio and were featured in the paper because of it: https://www.frettabladid.is/lifid/orjufanlegir-dansfelagar/

Traveled to Mexico for my best friends wedding and met all my friends there. Such a beautiful ceremony.

Tried Ayahuasca and boy did the world change.... LITERALLY
I came home and there was COVID. 

From live classes to zoom
From lots of gigs to none
From live classes to zoom

We in Dans og Kúltúr were suppose to go to Dubai but Covid changed that. 
My job was changed in an instant

So I changed my focus and studied
Became a 
Yoga Nidra Trainer
Absolute Training Trainer
added NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) 
and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

Did live dance classes on zoom and posted videos on youtube:

In the summer there was no cases so we were FREE .... for a while
So I saw two concerts, Dúndurfréttir with my dad and Aldamótatónleikarnir with friends.
Went for some cocoa and dance spiritual ceremonies. Did my weekly therapy.

Actress Anna was in full swing

Teygur commercial
Hatari music video
and another "V" TV show I can´t remember the name of

Wrote articles on Vísir.is:

Was a featured guest at the podcast Þín Eigin Leið: 

Blue Lagoon offered Ielanders a special deluxe deal so me and Oddrun went and pampered ourselves. 
Traveled to Hvammstangi to go to my first Sveitaball and saw Paparnir and Stuðmenn . 
Traveled the countryside with Þórdís to Akureyri, mývatn, Ásbyrgi and of course JaJa Ding Dong bar in  Húsavík. We stopped by at the beerbaths for some refreshment. Really fun trip. 

Surprised everyone at work and sang with Ingó veðurguð at their summerfest. 

Became a personal trainer and taught dance along with working in the spa. 
Did coaching and hypnosis. 

Then came second wave of COVID

Adaptability. The rules changed every 2 weeks, so my job changed that way as well. A personal trainer, dance teacher and an entertainer working in a spa, all my jobs were out. So surrended and RESTED! Finally working on my burnout for real. Doing absolutely nothing and that was ok.That was my job!

Best part of 2020

Met the love of my life Halldór and got to know what its like to have a family of my own. Him and his daughter welcomed me with open arms. I moved in after only a couple of months. So grateful.

2020... it was the worst of times...it was the best of times.
A time to reflect on your life. At yourself! 
It all depends on how you look at it right? 

Tuesday, December 31, 2019



Year of firsts
The year I did something new every day
The year I started playing guitar
The year I started writing again for a news outlet
The year I also worked as a DJ and Karoke Host
The year I did a show of my own at Hótel Kríunes
The year I started writing again on a popular web site
The year I spoke in front of a room full of people and told my story
The year I learned a lot, NBI, Reiki, Gong, RTT and assisted twice in Dale Carnegie
The year me and my best friend Frikki organised a trip to Morocco and dance parties at Hard Rock
The year I tried out comedy at Gaukurinn and Secret Cellar

-Dublin, Ireland
-Vienna, Austria
-Rome, Italy
- Finland

Got enough of traveling and finally had the feeling I wanted to stay in Iceland and make a life there


-RTT hypnosis
-Gong (sound healing)
-Facebook/Instagram marketing

Agnes Joy

Samgöngustofa ad

Blue Lagoon Retreat Ad

Worked as a CEO for the Icelandic Dance Sport Federation until this year and I´m proud to say I helped dance get more covered in the media. We have AMAZING dancers and they deserve even more coverage in the future. They are not only winning here in Iceland but abroad.

Útvarp Saga
Stöð 2
BURNOUT! I was interviewed on Stöð 2 regarding my burnout.
Created a group in the process: https://www.facebook.com/groups/356382358366879/
and I´m coaching several clients to help them from burnout to balance.

Started writing articles on Vísir.is

Learned a lot, be careful about what you write about or you´ll end up on DV (gossip outlet).
Which I did. Learned a lot and wrote about the experience.

-Choreographed the main Pride song and danced alongside my idols

-Dans og Kúltúr
So proud of everything me and my best friend Friðrik have done with Dans og Kúltúr. First of all our trip to Morocco. Despite Wow air going under we found a solution and had a wonderful layover in Belgium. We moved our dance parties from Gaukurinn to Hard Rock and celebrated Culture Night and Halloween among other events there with great success. 1001 nótt, 17.júní, menningarnótt, Pride, Reykjavík Fringe and travel to Finland´s Laahti fringe are among a few of the events we danced in. 

On Halloween both me and Frikki went out of our comfort zones and performed as other characters, me as Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Did gigs at Hótel Kríunes, Alþjóða geðheilbrigðisdaginn, Hugarafl and more.

 -Zumba and Jallabina
Taught dance classes at World Class and took part in several charity events.
Proud to help raise money for good causes.

Ended the year with a zumba event with these fabulous instructors Javi and Daði (from Allir Geta Dansað) and our ZIN Iceland representative Ísabella

-Assistant Coach in two Dale Carnegie Seminars
Grateful to meet these amazing people and learn from them.


My LA podcast Entertainment Drive-Thru, where we interviewed people in the entertainment industry. Honored to interview and get to know these amazing people.

Anna and the Bells: I´m really proud of our songs so I put them up on Spotify


It was a really difficult year personally. Went on meds last year when I felt like the world was collapsing and finished this year without meds. Very proud of myself! Went off with a help of RTT, Hugarafl, friends and above all my own strength. Been working on myself a lot. Proud of it!

Thankful for my friend Oddrún who told me to do a blood test and doctor for giving me an iron injection. After that I completely changed my diet with a help from a trainer. I started working at the spa in World Class. They have a amazing food there. Really helped me in changing my diet.

My brother had a baby, a beautiful girl named Elva María Claessen
Another girl in our family. Celebrated in our childhood church, Seljakirkja.
Thankful for my family

Wednesday, January 09, 2019




-Spain x3 (Salou, Sitges and Barcelona we organized, Salou with family and Salamanca for Aga’s wedding with friends)

-Bali x2 (first by myself then with the family)
Ubud, Nusa Dua and Seminyak
-LA x2 (So grateful for my friends there who let me stay with them and spent the day with ❤️)
-Denmark (Roger Waters Concert, BFF weekend trip as well as layovers to see my nieces)
-Mexico (surprised my bff for her bday)
-Singapore (with family)
-Thailand (Pattaya with the family)

World cup commercials (2x)
Blue Lagoon hotel commercial
Norwegian commercial
Ófærð Season 2
Venjulegt Folk
Pabbahelgar (2x)
Valhalla murders
Verliebt in Island
Agnes Cho

Featured in
Útvarp Saga
Stöð 2

Taught beyonce and did gigs at Kramhusið, zumba and jallabina at World Class, taught aqua aerobics for seniors as well as 3 charity zumba classes to support great causes

Got my diploma in Executive Coaching at the University of Reykjavik

Sold out our dancetrip to Spain and organized multiple dance shows at Gaukurinn with my bff.

Became CEO of the Icelandic Dance Sport Federation (DSÍ) after working at Hotel Kriunes

This year has been tough, so tough i broke down more than id like to admit, but i always allowed myself to rest and heal and then pulled myself up, worked on myself and surrounded myself with people that lift me up. Im proud that i was able to do all this despite the pain and grateful to the people who helped me through it

Met amazing people, some who have become my best friends ❤️ so grateful to all the people in my life, my family and friends here and around the world, just know i love you and miss you and you always have a place in my heart ❤️

Thank you to everyone i met and worked with this year, Friðrik Agni ÁrnasonWorld Class Laugar, Kramhúsið, Margrét Erla Maack - Miss MokkiGaukurinn, Dansíþróttafélag Hafnarfjarðar Dansíþróttasamband ÍslandsÍþrótta- og Ólympíusamband Íslands - ÍSÍ, Salsa Iceland, osk.is Lærðu að elska þig, Hotel Kríunes Optimized Performance K-Iceland Festival MARIO & YANA Háskóladansinn Dans Afríka Iceland and all the others, especially those who booked me for gigs, attended my classes, was on our show or came on our trip....its been a pleasure.

Heres to an even better 2019 🎉