Saturday, January 16, 2010


I´m sick... yes the typical flu, throat ache, coughing and stuffy nose.

10 things I hate about being sick:

1) you look and feel dreadful.
2) medicine tastes horrible
3) food doesn´t taste good
4) only drink allowed is tea (too bad i don´t like it)
5) can´t see other people (they don´t want to get sick too)
6) can´t talk or sing (if you have a throat ache )
7) ache all over
8) can´t sleep
9) chills (and not the good kind :P)
10) can´t really do anything

The only thing i like is that my boyfriend takes good care of me and i have excuse to stay inside and lie in bed all day :P

When I was younger there was a plus side to it. I didn´t have to go to school or do other activities and could lie in bed, watch tv and eat candy. Plus my parents would take extra good care of me. However, as adult, you have a lot of responsibilities and you can´t do them while you´re sick.

The only medicine I actually liked was the cough medicine in Iceland. Unfortunately, they don´t have that in Austria. The cough medicine tastes horrible.

Not the most fun way to start the new year. But then again, what goes down most come up again, so there must be something good in store for me.

1 comment:

EggertC said...

Get well soon :-)